Women in Neighbourhood (WiN) is created with the aim of bringing together the women living in Bolton and providing a platform where they can collaborate, communicate and network.it aims to provide trainings to support women to fulfil their aspirations.
WiN aims to create awareness of women issues through various methods, including digital and print medium, WiN believes in the ABCD concept – Asset Based Community Development. WiN works closely with local community groups such as Crompton Somali Assoc, People’s Youth Project, Justice 4 Abused Women Survivors, Polish Club, Bolton Community Media Centre, BMCL, HAWG Asian Women’s Group, Smile of Hope, Bolton at Home, Yes Matters, Bolton Interfaith, Bolton CVS and many more from various backgrounds.
We have taken part in local events such as AFRICA DAY , International Women Day celebrations , start up business support, advice to women on several issues like domestic violence, grooming and other socially sensitive cultural issues, and work closely with Bolton International Writing Project , Bolton College (ESOL Department) and organise fund raising events for various causes.
WiN organises social meet ups for women, trainings and workshops in life skills & confidence building.
WiN has published an INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN Book which celebrates local women success and community role models and recently secured funding for INSPIRATIONAL WOMEN OF BOLTON – 2
Currently we are working on an ART outreach project. Engaging women from diverse backgrounds. We secured Awards for All funding. Few pieces of community artwork will be developed in the heart of the community to engage women from deprived and hard to reach communities. This will built their confidence and reduce social isolation. This will involve all women’s groups in Bolton which will then culminate in a grand Art Exhibition in Bolton Town Centre.
We are also working closely with Bolton College & Bolton International Writing Project and helping them putting together their Anthology of poems and also run a Community Newspaper- Chai Times.
WiN is a place that allows you to bring you and your neighbourhood together. It is a place of collaborative and cohesive interaction and working for the women of Bolton’s diverse communities. It is a place for the women of Bolton!
Bolton is a unique town in a unique region and WiN now provides a unique platform for local businesses, intuitions and stakeholders to engage with their community and interact with Bolton residents. It is an opportunity for women from creative and corporate backgrounds to come together with the professional and political and enter into a dialogue with other women from the town.
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