Monday, February 17

Bolton Town Hall will be illuminated orange to shine as a beacon against domestic abuse

BOLTON Town Hall will be illuminated orange tomorrow night to shine as a beacon against domestic abuse and violence.

And residents and organisation throughout Bolton are being encouraged to follow suit and dress or light up their rooms or buildings in orange in solidarity.

Bolton at Home’s Valley House will light up orange, as part of the of the 16 Days of Activism international campaign, which started this year on 25 November, with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December which is Human Rights Day.

“Orange the World” is a theme inspired by the United Nation’s End to Violence against Women campaign, which highlights the 243 million women and girls who were abused by an intimate partner in the last year.

As a result of the pandemic, calls to domestic abuse helplines have increased by up to 500 per cent.

Read more on the Bolton News.

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