Monday, February 17


Domestic Abuse Symposium with Dr Trish Houghton

Domestic Abuse Symposium with Dr Trish Houghton

As part of our #Impact100 campain, 2019's Women in Education & Woman of the Year winner, Dr Trish Houghton hosted a symposium in September 2019 working with the Endeavour Charity on Domestic Abuse Awareness. The event was hosted at Bolton University and was proved so popular that it ‘sold out’ within 48 hours! The symposium covering topics such as the Dos & Don'ts, What you can do to assist someone going through domestic abuse, how to properly support someone going through domestic abuse & directing them to organisations which deal with domaestic abuse on an expert level, and also sharing some survivor's stories.
#ColourForCancer NHS Fundraising

#ColourForCancer NHS Fundraising

2019 GirlUp Award Winner Linda Mulvey has been working closely with Boot Out Breast Cancer in raising money for the NHS through a fun & exciting colouring campaign! This Tuesday, the  5th May, it's your chance to show your support by joining our fun campaign ColourForCancer for the NHS. Click the links to find out how to get involved NOW!…/colourforcancer-f…/ Not everyone is able to get out and do a run for charity so for those who are self-isolating, those who are ill, disabled, or who prefer something more creative. Get out your colouring pens, felt pens, paints or simply download and colour in on your computer. We want to see what amazing creations you can come up with and we have provi...
DYT Choir Fundraiser assisted by Linda Mulvey

DYT Choir Fundraiser assisted by Linda Mulvey

#SocialImpact-#MoreThanJustAwards Linda Mulvey, our Inspire Women 2019 #GirlUp Award winner, has been working hard during this current crisis in order to help a local choir raise money for NHS workers. Giving over 80 hours of her time to put together a heartwarming video of over 60 choir members singing Proud by Heather Small, the video has now raised £3,060 for the NHS. Do Your Thing Choir are running an #isolatedbuttogether campaign so that our incredible NHS can do their thing, and we can do our thing isolated but together for the sake of humanity and our beautiful world. Donations can be made through JustGiving by clicking this link.…/doyourthingchoir-connective Dated: 9th April 2020 Our #GirlupAward Winner 2019 #LindaMulvey “The incredible stories o...