Monday, February 17

FREE Courses, Workshops & Training


 The aim of the project is to engage with residents,  primarily though not necessarily women from diverse BME cultures and hard to reach communities and groups.

These courses would be provided in non threatening, culturally sensitive environment for women and support them to build informal support networks. The project will use local knowledge and existing partnerships to signpost learners to specialist support like housing , domestic abuse, money wise etc. The aim is to increase self esteem and confidence and reduce social isolation. It will address issues such as Health, Stress management thereby reducing cost to public purse and increase community cohesion, improve quality of life through work skills and increased confidence.

The project will break down barriers by introducing learners to culturally sensitive training environments ie ‘Women Only’ courses with female tutors. In addition to this, new learners will remain on our database after the project has ended which will enable staff to continue the relationship with these learners in order to keep offering them learning support until they are ready to join mainstream learning.


We will be delivering taster, workshops and training sessions.


 REACH OUT (Learning Through Art) Mosaic Art , Scarf Styling. Innovative Henna Painting, Cake Decoration, Jewellery Boxes Decoration. Confidence building, improving literacy and numeracy, improving communication skills, public speaking, reducing social isolation, increasing participation, building self esteem

‘MY SHOP’ – Setting up a Stall, a guide to Information, Advice and Guidance, basic health and Safety, , Product, Branding, Promotion, Pricing, Selling, confidence building, improving literacy and numeracy, improving communication skills, public speaking, reducing social isolation, increasing participation, building self esteem. This will be progression from ‘REACH OUT’ project where Art products are created and then sold in ‘MY SHOP’


 ‘Second Helpings’: Understanding what is obesity, reasons, causes, how to prevent obesity through Healthy Eating, Healthy Eating is not necessarily expensive, healthy cooking sessions with strong links to Local allotments projects like Crompton Organic Growers & B.E.E. (Bolton Environment Enterprise)

MEN in MOSQUES (IT For Beginners): Basic IT, word, IT for job search, email Id, How to use your phone more effectively, Introduction to Basic Social Media . how to use skype & whatsapp to stay in touch with family and friends hereby reducing isolation and improving numeracy and literacy as well.

WOMEN in MOSQUES (IT For Beginners): Basic IT, word, IT for job search, email Id, How to use your phone more effectively, Introduction to Basic Social Media . how to use skype & whatsapp to stay in touch with family and friends hereby reducing isolation and improving numeracy and literacy as well.


COMMUNITY CORNER ‘Tell Your Story’: confidence building, improving literacy and numeracy, improving communication skills, public speaking, reducing social isolation, increasing participation, building self esteem through publishing their stories and photographs in the local community newspaper Chai Times

Mind Your ‘Mind’: Recognise symptoms of stress, Understand reasons of stress, Deal with Stress. Breaking Myths around Stress, Introduction to Mindfulness & laughter yoga, basic fitness/yoga sessions

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