Monday, February 17

REACH OUT Empowering Women Through Art

REACH OUT is a Women in Neighbourhood (WiN) project which seeks to engage women from a variety of cultural backgrounds through the medium of art.

The project, which has received National Lottery funding, is coordinated by Gulnaz Brennan, Founder & Chair of WiN, working with team leaders Jenny Vining and Wendy Ann.

The launch, at the Great Lever Connected offices in Calvert Road, was well-attended and enthusiastically received. Jenny Vining introduced the project, which is mosaic creation with a central theme of Women. She gave a demonstration and encouraged participation and practice while she introduced the project and discussed the materials and techniques involved.




Materials will be provided by REACH OUT and the aim of the group and the project is to develop a collection of artistic works which celebrate cultural diversity whilst also unifying those who participate in the project through their work on the project. It is hoped that communities in Bolton will benefit from the results of these endeavours, with a range and style of mosaics adding to the town’s growing collection of artistic works, reflecting its rich and varied cultural history.


To register your interest please contact: 07469701163, 07429063699

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